Evening greetings, friends!

A small blogkeeping note: after hearing some buzz about the system, I swapped my comment system over to Disqus.

This is part of a general editorial (HA HA HA) decision that I’d like to make this blog a bit more interactive. Over the last five months I’ve been having a lot of fun writing my little potpurri of blog posts and watching the readership grow. Now I’d like to make the blog a bit more welcoming to discussions; that comes down mostly to playing around with new types of content, of course — my Very Serious 1,000-word ramblings are not the most comment-friendly, I know - but I love Disqus’ flexibility and functionality to help bolster that.

A minor issue is that Disqus, apparently, has some issues with WordPress when it comes to displaying comment counts on the main blog page. Thanks to this helpful fellow I’ve fixed the main issue, but the comment link is now quite small and easy to miss — just a tiny number at the bottom of the post.

I’m working on fixing that (in other words, waiting for other people to tell me how to fix it), but in the meantime just wanted to let everyone know the comments are still very much on and working, and I hope to generate some more conversations here over the weeks and months to come.

Cheers, and thanks for reading. I’m settling in here and enjoying being part of the blogosphere.

  • Daryl Sawatzky

    Congrats on the switch to Disqus. It’s one of the only social networks related commenting tools I can use at work. Most other comment systems are blocked.

    Editing templates to make elements bigger is complicated, and sometimes not even allowed if the WordPress page is hosted by WordPress. If you paid for the template or created it yourself (or had someone create it), they could easily increase the font size for the “NumberOfComments” element. Sorry if that’s no help… I can’t even edit my own Worpress templates easily… and I’m a programmer!

  • http://www.nothinginwinnipeg.com Melissa Martin

    Thanks! Evan from http://www.techerator.com/ has some code that he says will help me, we’ll see if it works.

    What just confuses me is that I do have some familiarity with editing CSS styles, and my theme (Suppression) has a great and very user-friendly back-end. But prior to bringing in Disqus the comment link was nice and sizable, and said “comments.” Now it’s just the number. Annoying. But thanks on the congrats!

  • http://profiles.google.com/young.derick derick young

    You are becoming far too advanced with this blogging stuff. Here’s me: blogging for 3 1/2 years and still using a cookie-cutter template with a blogspot url. sigh…

  • http://www.nothinginwinnipeg.com Melissa Martin

    Aww! It’s just fun to fool around — I don’t know much about blogspot, but the nice thing about WordPress is that it makes adding different features very, very easy.