When times get tough, animals are often the first to feel the belt tighten. In Winnipeg, shelters have taken a big hit in the last two years, forcing  some to cut back services, Lindsey Wiebe reported today. For the record: as someone who has absolutely no shame referring to my two cats as my daughters, this story yanks my heartstrings, hard. But the story is also useful in illustrating why antipathy to animal shelters that perform euthanasia is not a practical, nor a useful, or even a particularly pro-animal perspective. As a wacky cat lady in training, I’m not unsympathetic towards this position. When I [...click for more...]


A post, a post tonight for a broken heart, but I digress, all hearts are broken and mended in time, yes? So it was fitting today that Daniel called me. Daniel is in his late-60s. He is paraplegic. He was in the hospital, for a long time. Now he is in a care home, somewhere in Winnipeg. Daniel is lonely. He’s allowed an hour of phone time every day. And every time he can, he calls me. Students, take note: this is the part of journalism that nobody prepares you for, that nobody ever mentions. There are people in the world [...click for more...]


On the deepest, darkest nights of the deepest, darkest winters, step outside, hold your breath and stand quite still.  If you’re really truly silent, and really truly still, tinkling through the crisp and quiet, you’ll hear the sound of car scrapers scraping.
