I could subtitle this post “this ain’t bloggin’,” because a penny for my thoughts, in this case, would drastically overvalue them. My thoughts on this issue are cautious and knotted and not at all leading to a clear bottom line, but whatever, I’m motivated to put fingers to keyboard on it, and this is my space to do that, goshdarnit. As we’ve all heard, the CBSC has ruled that Dire Straits’ song Money For Nothing’s use of the word “faggot” contravenes Canadian broadcast standards. This isn’t really breaking news: the word “fag” or “faggot” has been cut from songs for radio use for ages — [...click for more...]


As I type, we don’t really know how U.S. Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) is doing after a shocking mass shooting in Tucscon. It was reported that she died; now, a hospital spokesman says she is alive, in critical, and in surgery.   As news floods in, on Twitter, Matt Yglesias points out this charming event:  The overall nastiness of that event is self-evident and doesn’t need to be discussed. What I’m more interested in is how the HuffPo posts it, with a disclaimer that “there’s no hard evidence to suggest that the shooting was politically motivated.” Oh, I don’t know that we don’t. I get [...click for more...]
